A Few 'Weighty' Issues.

Sometimes things weigh heavily on my mind.
Try as I might, I find it hard to shake off this feeling - of being weighed down.

I think a lot. I think way too much.

Someone close to me once said - "Think. There's no harm in thinking. But think about the good stuff. Don't waste it on the bad stuff!"

I agree.

But thinking about the bad stuff ? Well, its strangely cathartic.

Its painful. Its hurtful. But its necessary.

Coming to terms with your deficiencies & limitations is so much easier when you have someone by your side.

Someone who can be your strength when you're running a little low. =)

Don't get me wrong - I am as independent as they come. And confident. And happy.

But every person has their wobbly bits - so to speak! And you need to learn to love them :)

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