How times change.


Today I went to get a bit of stuff to eat in the night while studying and stumbled upon a pack of cigarettes.
Whoa! Hold your horses!

I'm talking about those mint ones! Those candy ones that we used to play around with! (and eat afterwards!)


I squealed like a kid when I saw them! And please note the fact that I'm almost 20. I must have scared half the customers at the convenience store!

They cost just 4 bucks for a pack of ten, and for a kid with almost no allowance, it would be like hitting a jackpot!

How times change..
Sadly,these things have faded into oblivion, what with big brands wit their big advertising budgets.

Regardless, they seemed to be back from the dead to me and I was ecstatic to see them!

When we were kids......


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Live. Love. Eat.