I'm Gonna Burn.

I'm Gonna Shine & Multiply.

Why stop?

To stop to rest - is something I understand. Even follow.

But to stop in absolute? Nope. Not for me.

Just like the Earth tends to change - slowly and surely - I change too. In  fact, what I am today is nothing but a sum of changes.

To stay in motion is important to stay afloat. That's like a basic law. The moment you stop kicking, you sink.

I sometimes feel like 21 is the prime of my life that came too soon. Have I peaked? I mean, am I at the summit? And all that remains is the fall? I don't know.

I'm not even a quarter over with my life. Yet, it feels like most of it is already over. 

I'm not depressed. I'm just quite confused. I'm burning. Slowly and steadily. And all that'll remain will be ashes, that I can expect to be gone in the blink of an eye!

But in the end, I'm sure it'll all make perfect sense.

I don't know why, but I'm sure of this fact.


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