Socials at Kirorimal College - Afterword.


I'm sore from the high heels and all the dancing and President-giri! But here I am, rapping out stuff and stuff and stuff on how I feel/ what I want to say/blah blah!


The socials were, well, completely contrary to our expectations!
We expected weirdish guys gawking and everything, but to my surprise, everybody was cordial and friendly. I mean boys will be boys, but they were quite gentlemanly! The guy there, who was the Cultural Sec, kept asking me if everything was fine, if the girls needed anything, etc etc. Extremely sweet guy!
I even got a gift from them, a Best Couples thing, with the same guy.

(According to my juniors, he was the best looking out of them, but I really don't remember what he looks like now! /blur )

The food was good, the DJ awesome. Which was the best part about the whole evening.

They had this thing in which a girl had to get up and pick her date. When I was asked to do so, I just got up and asked their Warden Sir. :D
He was blushing and what not! But he was so sweet to us! Like thank you to all the beautiful girls of DRCH etc etc!

Best response I could make when confronted with the situation!

This is what I wore today. Its a pic I've taken right now so please excuse the tired look! Im just ready to sleep! Oh and the room is in a mess too. /XD

One more thing merits a mention : The guy there, he was extremely cordial. Not once did he like act smart or anything with me.
As it was obscenely cold that night, I had asked him to get us heaters if he could. The poor boy got those for us as well! The boys there weren't asked once whether they wanted them or not!

They also made juniors serve coffee to us. :P

Lots of special treatment for special girls - They said.

I'm really glad they put up such a great picture of their hostel and shattered a lot of our misconceptions abut them.
Throughout the event, there was a lot of attention given to me because I am the President and all but it was great cuz not once did I feel weird about it. Nobody asked me for my number or any crap.
No cheesy pickup lines either.

One more thing  : There was this guy who was going crazy. He kept on trying to approach me with flowers.  I was on my guard but I observed that I did not need to. A lot of guys were restraining him from doing so. That really is commendable. We felt protected and safe.
They had sent a bus to pick us up and drop us. The best part, when we were leaving, all the boys had a sad look on their faces :)
All of them waved to us in goodbye with the same look on their face!

It was a great experience for all of us and I hope we get to see more of life at DU this year.
I think accepting their invitation and not sticking to the stereotypes about them was the best idea I have had all month!


Socials at Kirorimal College and some new things I've done.


I'm soon gonna be going to Kirorimal college for their socials and I hope its good! I mean, we have so many stereotypes associated with the boys around here, that they just see the specifics and run after the girl, that they're uncouth, rude and perverted! Hope the boys don't disappoint us! Well, DRC too has a reputation of being a "behenji" college, which is funny, cuz the girls here are as fashion forward as any girl in DU might be.

We're just so closeted away from the rest of the social scene, that people think the worst!

Now that our college's Dram-Soc Memesis has won 1st prizes at so many fests (and our Dance-teams and many more!) maybe people are sitting up and taking notice.

I'm not too excited that they are doing so, mainly because we didn't care for the attention either-ways and simply went on with our lives!

But yes, a tradition will be laid down with this, and next year, our juniors will get offers from other colleges as well.
Its a good Hostel tradition to have. :)

All this Decision-Making! I feel I've grayed so much!
I mean, just yesterday, I had a fight with a very close friend over some masti she was doing. On other days, I would've simply joined her. No questions asked!

But that day, I felt that grown-up part of me kick in and reprimand her.

I'm still a naughty trouble-maker, but I do want to sit down and collect my thoughts too. Wish the fabric of time would stretch to make way for both.

Its all good, and some of it isn't too bad. But this is Life I guess.
Its an all-encompassing dichotomy for me, and the duality exists everywhere.


What is written without effort, is often read the same way!

Well, Its my first birthday post!

I'm 20 now, adieu teenage you!

I've got a HUGE list of things to do, now that my year has 'officially' started!

This birthday has been...well...surprising! /dignose

Cuz after a lot of tears and unhappiness, the 14th took an unexpected twist!
3 cakes to cut, the usual madness, gifts!

I realized a lot of stuff this time and the year too has been quite eventful!

But the hardest part about all of this was to stay the same.
To preserve what the words" I "and  " Me" are to me.

That despite the best times, friends do fade, but then, some crazy-ass people re-ignite all that again!
And its best to let the ghosts go and settle into one's memories....

Also that sometimes taking the long way homeisn't the best of approaches. 
You do miss out on the race that people are running around you.

I mean to say that being content with what you are shouldn't stop you from trying for first place!
This is something that I have learnt, the hard way, and intend to fully understand.

On Love :
There is no space in my life for a guy right now and I intend to keep it that way. Why the complications!?
Isn't it better to experience life alone? On your own? Without your view getting distorted?


Not to mention, human beings can be downright evil to each other at times. Some scars, never fade. 
Why tempt fate to puncture my happy single-dom?

On the the other hand, it can be a beautiful experience, but for me, it should be one of understanding, of growth, of variety, of plenty, and of longitude! I can't call changing boyfriends, love!
(Also, I don't like relationship-clutter and hence, no speed-dating please!)

I pride myself at having gone through these years of college this way. 
Its so unexpected from a girl like me, who loves dressing-up and shopping as much as she does Othello and Anna Karenina!
Well, I do love breaking stereotypes! /hmm

Just a few months to go, and I'll be a graduate.
Today, I feel like I'm back in class 12, with everything coming to a close and A girl on the lookout for the next place to shine.

The path to take next is so in the dark, but I'd like to view this as temporary darkness that'll vanish peice by peice.
The way a curtain gets raised, slowly, before a performance.

I maybe 20, but baby, I'm not done!


The Case of sending the Fox to guard the Hen-house.


As you must have gauged by now, I've got a very naughty mind that only takes a minute to plan another खुराफात !
Ever since my 1st year at college, I've never backed down or given up an opportunity to make trouble!
There have been times when I've broken open locks to the terrace, put पक्का रंग inside the shower lid - much to the dismay of the holi-reveler, lied my ass off, helped fabricate stories, created a ruckus in the metro with my friends, छेदो-d boys etc etc !

But now that I'm a Third year and also the Hostel President, it sometimes is so hard to reprimand the juniors for misdemeanour!

I mean I was one of them! And I completely understand their need for fun!

Seeing my predicament, I can totally identify with the adage about the fox who was sent to guard the hen-house. /no

Its so hard not to follow your instinctive need for craziness!
I guess a mature (20? year-old) would channel this excitement into creativity. I really want to see my hostel do well.... people evolve into a something better...especially the juniors.

Soon I'll be gone, but I do want to leave a few thoughts behind......


Its my birthday tomorrow, which comes every year, so its not a big deal anymore. :)

Gone are the days when colourful streamers adorned my room and there would be a party thrown for all the kids of the colony.
The pinatas, the Monginis cakes, the discounted (cuz-you-bought-bulk!) return gifts!

Those days... when you would be the star of your birthday!

Today, out of the phrase "Birthday-Party", only the "party" remains.  /dignose

Somehow, its not me. It has never been.

Parties with crazy-ass music, endless drinks and a usual sense of delirium aren't me.
(Not that I misjudge people who like them!)
To each his own, right?

That brings me to think what my ideal day would be like.

Its gotta have food, for one! /XD
A clear room, with some great books, coffee and dark chocolate.
Add some toasty warmth of the sun and I'm happy!

So much for the stereotypes associated with me. :)

Maybe the "जंगली- जवानी of yesterday has finally decided to sober down.

Or maybe NOT!

My split personalities are acting up again.

On this note,

How times change.


Today I went to get a bit of stuff to eat in the night while studying and stumbled upon a pack of cigarettes.
Whoa! Hold your horses!

I'm talking about those mint ones! Those candy ones that we used to play around with! (and eat afterwards!)


I squealed like a kid when I saw them! And please note the fact that I'm almost 20. I must have scared half the customers at the convenience store!

They cost just 4 bucks for a pack of ten, and for a kid with almost no allowance, it would be like hitting a jackpot!

How times change..
Sadly,these things have faded into oblivion, what with big brands wit their big advertising budgets.

Regardless, they seemed to be back from the dead to me and I was ecstatic to see them!

When we were kids......


IceBox Butter Cookies


As you know, I absolutely ADORE cookies and all things buttery!

Imagine my delight when these quick, easy and non-messy cookies turned out to be awesome-sauce!

All credits to the original maker!

* Hat-tip *

The link :

IceBox Butter Cookies:

'via Blog this'

/bye /bye

Sooooo...I'm Back!


Sorry guys!

I've been gone for so long..and this blog seems dead to me!

Show some Blog-lovin guys! <3

Posts to come for SURE!

Just been busy making the best of my "End of the year" break.
Now back to college-land!


Live. Love. Eat.